For most job loss can be traumatic, for many it presents a lifetime opportunity. We are here to help you seize this opportunity and realize your career potential
We invite you to call us & meet our professional staff to discuss our personalized services.
Why Choose Advantage Tech for Career Continuance?
We have superior online resources and capabilities.

The website provides a Password-Protected Client Area, and has since 1997. This provides links to key jobs search & career transition resources, including several proprietary ones. These websites and links are updated regularly to provide HUNDREDS of links to jobs listings and job search sites… not just the big/obvious ones. This allows individuals to search for employment opportunities around the world and quickly see new opportunities as they arise. Instead of spending time just searching, individuals spend time applying to the right opportunities.
Our researchers review 300 on-line job databases and other online resources. On-line information is constantly updated to provide the most current information.
There are hundreds of employment-related destinations on the Internet and new ones are added constantly, making it easy for job seekers to become overwhelmed with the choices, or be underwhelmed or confused by Google search results.
Our easy-to-use Job Search interface highlights the most relevant and productive sites in Canada and the US. Individuals may search for opportunities that best suit their needs: general lists, keyword searches, career disciplines, and geographic locations. We continuously monitor these resources to ensure that the best sites are readily available and easy to find.
Our Career Transition Professionals are leaders in Internet Marketing and Social Media tools to give clients a significant advantage in online job search and self-marketing techniques.
We have a reputation for helping the most difficult cases with their transitions.
For example, we have career transition consultants who are Registered Psychologists with clinical practices and with a proven track record of working with corporations.
Our VP of Psychological Services is a PhD industrial psychologist that prepares most of our career planning reports.
We provide financial counselling, pre-retirement planning, benefits replacement counselling, and entrepreneurial workshops.
Regardless of specific services included in the program description, we focus on individual needs and the individual expectations and, whenever possible, we engage specialists to deliver specialized help.
Our consultants are leading edge, independent professionals with CFP, CA, and CMA designations and, as a result, are able to provide financial advice and counselling that is not associated with any particular brokerage house.
Tax and financial planning assistance has always been an integral part of our Program and is provided to all employee levels on an individual basis.
Financial planning and benefits replacement counselling has NO TIME LIMIT. Services can be utilized as frequently as may be required
Our facilities are top notch.
Our facilities include access to close-by business centres which can provide job hunters a private room for making calls and phone pre-interviews (often the home environment is too noisy or too distracting) and, of course, high speed WiFi Internet access and colour printers.
Through our business centre network, we can book an office for our clients conveniently close to home.
Our clients always have access to our Private Client Area on our website to connect them to Advantage Tech’s Career Continuance Counselling Manual, Entrepreneurial Tests, and On-line Job Search databases.
We’ve had these Internet tools since 1997, to support clients across a broad geographic area and enable them to continue their career search from home, while on vacation, or when interviewing out-of-town.
All of our consultants are accessible for Skype video chat from anywhere in the world.
Employees can re-define their outplacement programs.

Subject to our professional judgement, we allow employees to redefine their career transition programs within the existing pricing parameters. We believe programs should not be dictated to employees but customized to suit their specialized needs.
We also pay special attention to people with entrepreneurial dispositions. We provide “small business” seminars in a group setting, while our Senior Consultants assist individuals in a practical way, helping in the registration procedures for a new company, GST, and other matters.
You can take your personalized Career Transition program from anywhere, while our Counselling by Skype sessions.
Our record in relocating separated employees is exceptional across many industries and many disciplines.
“What happens when an employee is not re-employed within the program timetable?”
This has, for the most part, been an infrequent occurrence.
And, we’ve been doing this since 1980.
However, when this occurs, we extend the time limit of the program at no additional cost, provided the employee has been actively engaged in the process of Career Continuance.
Emphasis on “one on one” Counselling
Extensive career planning testing
- Performed by in-house industrial psychologists who have proven business experience; financial counselling by Certified Financial Planners (CFPs) supported by full benefit replacement counselling;
Tools to help you market yourself
- Upper 5%” resume preparation, personal profile, cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, business cards, presenting with impact in the interview, etc.;
Current technology
- Including superior online tools and learning resources, accessible from anywhere.
Entrepreneurial counselling
- With CPAs, CAs, CMAs, and LLBs that takes you from your vision to opening for business;
Full Spousal Career Counselling
- (Gratis) for spouses wishing to work or, if working, secure new positions;
Strong business alliances
- That provide us with extensive local, national and international contacts.