Career Transition Counselling
Preparing people for an even better career
… when the path ahead is not always obvious

What is a Career Transition?
A career transition is the process of discovering and pursuing a new position or career. This can involve a career shift or change, seeking a new opportunity in the same industry (even same company) or a different industry, with an organization who’s corporate culture or management style is in-synch with your professional objectives.
Preparing people for an even better career
Advantage Tech Inc. and its Principal, Samuel L.Travis, J.D., LL.M., CPHR have provided Career Transition Counselling services since 1980. Originally, to the Oil & Gas sector and, subsequently to a wide variety of industries and government entities.
An individual’s perspective
Career Transition is the process of evaluating your current situation, establishing life and career priorities, setting new goals, and taking steps to actualize those new goals.
This may include retaining a professional organization to help you through that process, not only for their advice and sights, but also for access to their tools, technologies, and procedures to make the transition faster and more impactful.
A corporate perspective
Often Career Transition is a euphemism for downsizing, right-sizing, layoffs. And the process a company goes through to decide which individuals are selected for that process, how they are informed that they are impacted, and the assistance provided to those individuals to lessen the impact and help them find new employment.
This may involve retaining a professional organization to help with planning, provide legal advice, review benefits and payouts, possibly attend the exit interviews, and then provide ongoing support to the employees affected
The Career Transition Process

There are FOUR PHASES to Career Transition:
- Dealing with the Transition-Shock, addressing financial, emotional, and family concerns
- Career Outlook and Planning, and starting the re-write of your resume. Identifying opportunities and challenges
- An Efficient Job Search, Linked In, Social Media & online Job Search tools
- Handling Interviews and Salary Negotiation, to get the job you want and deserve
We have developed this process over our 40+ years of counselling and assisting over a thousand individuals from over a hundred firms with their career transitions. Our process is smooth and efficient, which gives us the luxury of dealing with special situations and individual needs.
Not every individual goes through Phase One. Some, who are planning their own Career Transition, typically don’t leave their current position until they have found a new one. And in some downsizing scenarios, employees see the change as a blessing in disguise.
100 percent that fully utilize our Career Transition and Career Counselling Programs are successful. WE GUARANTEE IT!

But this isn´t all. Within the scope of the programs offered, we provide flexible options. For example, our highly qualified consultants can offer tax and financial planning assistance, and other topics, including verbal and non-verbal communication skills.
Since we view career decisions as part of the family process, we also provide FREE career counselling for the spouse. Often the entire family is affected by career transition, and everybody may want to pitch in. Quite simply, you´ll have trouble finding comparable programs offered in the marketplace. A superior level of service, combined with the depth of our programs´ content, has earned Advantage Tech a well-regarded reputation.
While we provide these services to displaced employees, our services are paid for by the employer. The benefit to employers is that it helps mitigate and reduce the timespan during which former employees seek new employment and reduces the likelihood of litigation..
First-rate online support since 1995
We have had online training resume writing courses, job hunting courses, job hunting resources, and video conferencing for interview preparation long before the advent of COVID… And we have been active on LinkedIn pretty well since it began! You can do all our training, meet with our professionals, each for jobs, all from your own home, on your own schedule. We can handle transitioning employees across Canada, and we have done so around the world.
Our Private Client Area of our website provides Advantage Tech’s Career Continuance Counselling Manual, Entrepreneurial Tests, and extensive On-line Job Search databases.
Features, Advantages, and Benefits of our Career Transition programs
Select options in the left side, to learn more:
Our record in relocating separated employees is exceptional across many industries and many disciplines.
“What happens when an employee is not re-employed within the program timetable?”
This has, for the most part, been an infrequent occurrence.
And, we’ve been providing Career Transition services since 1980.
However, when this occurs, we extend the time limit of the program at no additional cost, provided the employee has been actively engaged in the process of Career Continuance.
We pioneered Career Transition Counselling in Calgary, and have been doing this longer than anybody else. We have helped hundreds of companies… and successfully transitioned thousands of individuals over many years.
A proactive, supportive and facilitative role ensures that separated employees put together an active, marketable, and effective Career Transition Plan. That gets results.
While the overriding objective is to identify and obtain career opportunities for the separated employee, we are sensitive to the fact that different people have different needs at this stressful time.
Some need a Career Transition program that gets off to a fast start, while others need more time to assess their situation and to identify new career alternatives. However, when a career path is determined, Advantage Tech actively assists the employee in locating employment opportunities and arranges interviews through our extensive local, national and international network.
Advantage Tech is also sensitive to the needs of those employees not directly affected by the “rightsizing” and has comprehensive Survivor Counselling Programs.
Individuals Use AdvantageTech, Too!
We have found that individuals may choose AdvantageTech’s services even when [their former] employers have selected another Career Counselling Firm, in order to gain better results. Our guarantee applies to all our Career Transition clients.
When your former employer’s Career Transition program doesn’t do the job (or you were not provided a Career Transition Program when you left)… Who are you going to call?
Advantage Tech uniquely provides FREE counselling without charge to the employee’s family.
Career decisions affect the entire family process and, as such, family members need to have input into that decision as well as be able to have career counselling themselves on their options for returning to the work force or seeking a superior position.
We include Career Transition Counselling for the spouse of the employee AT NO ADDITIONAL COST.
When one breadwinner in a family loses their job, managing the finances becomes a shared responsibility. We provide career counselling for spouses wishing to return to work or re-enter the workforce.
We’re Tax Deductible
Advantage Tech is unique in that it has been recognized by Canada’s Minister of Employment & Immigration by certifying the firm as an educational institution under the Canadian Income Tax Act.
This means that your costs are tax-deductible, whether you are an individual or a corporate client.
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