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Inc: The ceo of a major headhunting firm says...

The CEO of a Major Headhunting Firm Says the Best Resume He’s Ever Seen Had These 6 Things

This is all part of our standard Career Transition Counselling process, but its nice to hear it in outside media!
Gary Burnison, the CEO of Korn Ferry, a leading headhunting and talent selection/hiring firm, shared in June on CNBC’s Make Itwhat he loved about the best resume he ever saw. It wasn’t the astonishing credentials within it, he said, but that it had these six things going for it.

1. It was easy to read.

Burnison said the resume was two pages long (necessary if you have over 10 years of experience), was well organized with plenty of white space to contrast the company names in bold, and had italicized titles with job details in bullet points, all with an easy-to-read font and nary a typo. Simple. Easy to engage with.

Having seen my share of resumes running a Procter & Gamble recruiting team for 10 years, I can say that simple resumes with “less to say” were more memorable than jam packed resumes with a lot to say, just because they were easier to read. You can’t remember what you can’t read.

(and 5 more tips)
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